Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Degeneration of the English Language Through Online Mediums of Communication and Social Networking (AIM, Facebook, MySpace, Et Cetera)

This is my first-ever Review Request. My thanks to Cathleen and Jack Francis!

dere is a prblm w/da english lang 2day

the prblm iz dat ppl r lazee

kk so ill b the 1st 2 admit taht txt msging cn tak3 a long tiem

but srsly, wtf dudes? omg i shuld at l3st be abel 2 undrstnd u

& wut iz all dis cr4p abut intarwebz slang shiwing up n aka acca skool pap3rz?

itz absurd lol

brb sandwch tiem

kk back

at ne rate, dis stuf haz to st0p

iz anoying n it makes u look stoopid rofl

it takes moar efort 4 me 2 type liek dis den it does 4 me 2 type normal

So, seriously, start attending English class. And maybe read a few books. It'll be worth your time.

The Rundown
Clarity: 0/10. liek i cant uindrstnd u
Convenience: 2/10. fstr 4 a cell phn but not 4 comp
Professionalism: 0/10. sendin a letr writn liek dis 2 ur boss or ur teachr is not a gud idea
Appeal: 0/10. as sun as i see dis t3h convrs4tin haz no meening
Overall: 0.5/10. liek omg